On Lie Differentiability Conditions of Some Polynomial Structures in Semi Tangent Bundle
Şu kitabın bölümü:
Matematik ve Fen Bilimlerinde Güncel Yaklaşımlar.
In popular differential geometry, the tensor structures on smooth manifolds are remarkable geometric objects. In reality, every tensor structure is a polynomial structure. A tensor field f of type (1,1) on a differentiable manifold is called a polynomial structure if it satisfies the algebraic equation ( 1) 11.... f n + a1 f (n+1) + …. + an-1 f + anI = 0, where I is the identity tensor of type (1,1) and a1,a2,...,an are real numbers. The Lie differentiability conditions of some polynomial structures (almost contact and almost paracontact structures) in semi-tangent bundle t(M) are examined in this study.