Play Therapy, Its Types and Use in Early Childhood
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Play therapy, which constitutes one of the important areas of child therapy, is a field where a safe environment is provided for children to express their feelings and thoughts and to solve problems through play, and where the therapeutic power of play is used to help resolve issues. Play therapy, with a history of about a hundred years, has changed, developed, and diversified through the practices of researchers until today. The use of play for therapeutic purposes first began with Freud and has taken its current form through the work of many researchers such as Hug-Hellmuth, Winnicott, Rogers, and Axline on play therapy. Play therapy falls into two main categories: directive and non-directive play therapy. Play therapy can take different names and be applied differently depending on the theoretical framework on which the application is based, the application environment, the toys used in the application, and the practitioner's approach. The types of play therapy frequently studied in the literature are; psychoanalytic play therapy, release play therapy, experiential play therapy, Adlerian play therapy, Jungian analytic play therapy, structured play therapy, Gestalt play therapy, filial therapy, group play therapy, Theraplay, cognitive-behavioral play therapy, child-centered play therapy, Storyplay and sand therapy. Play therapy, mostly used in children between the ages of 3-12, can be applied in many areas such as ADHD, anxiety, developmental delays, behavioral problems, separation, and domestic violence. Literature reviews show that many types of play therapy are highly effective tools in solving various problems such as aggression, anxiety, and shyness in early childhood, especially covering the 0-8 age group.