Effects of Radiofrequency Radiations on the Male Reproductive System
Şu kitabın bölümü: Kılıç, İ. H. (ed.) 2023. Sağlık Bilimleri Araştırmaları: Temel Tıp- IV.

Mehmet Cihan Yavaş
Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi


With the advancement of technology, many electronic devices enter our lives and we interact with them for a long time. It is a matter of curiosity what kind of effect the frequency bands, which increase with the advancement of mobile phone technology generations, have on humans. In our study, we aimed to investigate the reports regarding the effects of waves emitting radiofrequency radiation in different frequency bands on the male reproductive system.

​ In our study, scanning was carried out by using search engines such as Pubmed and Google Scholar and typing the keywords "900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz, 2.45 GHz, male reproduction".

It is seen that scientific studies are mostly carried out in the 900 MHz and 2.45 GHz frequency bands. It appears that less work has been done with 2100 MHz. The study findings show that the radiofrequency radiation given by the phones that have recently entered our lives has negative effects on the male reproductive system. These effects have been reported to contribute to infertility, such as deterioration of sperm morphology and sperm motility.

As a result, it is seen that all frequency bands can have negative effects on the male reproductive system and in this respect, keeping these devices away from the pelvic area is very important for reproductive health.


Kaynakça Gösterimi

Yavaş, M. C. (2023). Effects of Radiofrequency Radiations on the Male Reproductive System. In: Kılıç, İ. H. (ed.), Sağlık Bilimleri Araştırmaları: Temel Tıp- IV. Özgür Yayınları. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58830/ozgur.pub384.c1680


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Yayın Tarihi

29 December 2023