Robotics in Healthcare: A Brief Introduction
Şu kitabın bölümü: Bilgili, A. (ed.) 2023. Current Researches in Health Sciences-III.

Bilge Büyükşirin
Trakya Üniversitesi


In recent years, robotics has emerged as a transformative force in the field of healthcare. As technology continues to advance, robots are playing an increasingly vital role in patient care, diagnosis, surgery, and rehabilitation. This study explores the various applications of robotics in healthcare, highlighting its potential to revolutionize the way we approach medical treatment and improve patient outcomes.

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Kaynakça Gösterimi

Büyükşirin, B. (2023). Robotics in Healthcare: A Brief Introduction. In: Bilgili, A. (ed.), Current Researches in Health Sciences-III. Özgür Yayınları. DOI:


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Yayın Tarihi

22 October 2023