The Effects of Micro & Nano Pollution on Fish Reproduction
Şu kitabın bölümü: Öztürk, A. E. (ed.) 2023. Reprodüksiyonda Nanoteknoloji.

Ali Erdem Öztürk
Erciyes Üniversitesi


The changing world and the increasing use of nanomaterials in industry have caused industrial nano wastes to enter the water and oceans in recent years. By a similar mechanism, plastic wastes that enter the waters erode over time and turn into microplastics. Fish, which encounter micro & nano pollutants (MNP) in their habitats, ingest these materials through the food chain, respiration and direct contact. Although water pollution attracts attention in the media and society as a result of mass fish deaths, disruptions in the reproductive cycles of fish exposed to MNPs and anomalies in juvenile development stages threaten the future of fish population in aquatic ecosystems. Fish that experience limitations in their ability to reproduce or produce offspring with anomalies are at risk of facing extinction within a short timeframe. In this chapter, the effects of various industrial nanomaterials and microplastics on fish reproductive systems are discussed and an awareness is tried to be created.

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Kaynakça Gösterimi

Öztürk, A. E. (2023). The Effects of Micro & Nano Pollution on Fish Reproduction. In: Öztürk, A. E. (ed.), Reprodüksiyonda Nanoteknoloji. Özgür Yayınları. DOI:


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Yayın Tarihi

15 August 2023