Are Female Managers Effective On Economic Growth?: Selected OECD Countries
Şu kitabın bölümü: Bayram, A. T. & Agarwal, N. & Raza, A. (eds.) 2023. Sosyal Bilimlerde Kadın Araştırmaları I .

Çisem Bektur
Sakarya Üniversitesi


It is a fact that today, it is still called the "glass ceiling" and that women have to work harder than men to gain a place in top management despite their equipment, success and skills. Since the targeted number has still not been reached, it is also among the important issues of the European Union. This study covers the period 2001-2020 and panel data analysis has been utilized for 9 selected OECD countries. Here, the relationship between female employment in senior and middle level management, financial development and financial freedom, and economic growth is examined. Whether the variables are cointegrated or not has been tested using Durbin Hausman and LM Bootstrap panel cointegration tests. The results have demonstrated that this variable increases economic growth in Norway and Sweden, which have a high rate of female employment in upper and middle level management. As financial development increases in Sweden, economic growth also increases. It has also been concluded that more financial freedom has positive contributions to economic growth in Germany.

Kaynakça Gösterimi

Bektur, Ç. (2023). Are Female Managers Effective On Economic Growth?: Selected OECD Countries. In: Bayram, A. T. & Agarwal, N. & Raza, A. (eds.), Sosyal Bilimlerde Kadın Araştırmaları I . Özgür Yayınları. DOI:


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Yayın Tarihi

21 October 2023

