Organisational Support
Chapter from the book:
Organizational Behavior Concepts and Research-I.
Organizations strive to overcome the challenges that arise at every step in order to compete successfully in today's globalizing business world. The ability of organizations to overcome these uncalculated challenges depends on their ability to use all their resources effectively and efficiently. Human resource is a valuable resource that enables the organization to achieve its goals by maximizing efficiency and productivity. In this context, the quality of the relationship between employees and the organization emerges as a very important issue for both parties.
In this section, first of all, the concept of organizational support, which explains the relations between employees and the organization, and the characteristics of organizational support are discussed. Then, the Reciprocity Norm, Social Exchange Theory, Organizational Support Theory, Leader-Member Exchange Theory, and ERG Theory, which constitute the theoretical foundations of organizational support, are explained. Finally, the factors affecting organizational support (personality characteristics, demographic characteristics, organizational justice, supervisor support, human resources practices and job conditions) and the results of organizational support (organizational commitment, work engagement, organizational trust, organizational citizenship behavior, job performance, withdrawal behavior, job satisfaction and positive emotions, job stress) are discussed.