An Evaluation of the Solution Proposal Based on “Two Equal Sovereign States” in Cyprus
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The Cyprus problem is an issue that has occupied the European geography for a long time. Although the necessary will has been put forward for the solution of the Cyprus problem in certain periods, no result has been achieved. The federal government proposal, on the other hand, has been up-to-date since 1974. However, it can be clearly seen that the federation thesis, which has been discussed for a long time, has now reached a dead end. The fact that the negotiations on the federation thesis turned into open-ended and aimless negotiations, blunted the hopes for a solution over time. This fact leads the parties to different opinions and suggestions regarding a solution in Cyprus. This is the basis of the two-state solution formula, defended by President Ersin Tatar and supported by the authorities of the Republic of Turkey. Within the scope of our study, the two-state solution proposal, which brings a new perspective to the Cyprus problem, will be discussed.