A Developmental Perspective on the Origins of Moral in Infant and Early Childhood
Chapter from the book:
Cengiz Açıl,
Health Sciences Research: Nursing and Midwifery.
The basic components of morality emerge in the first 4 years of life. Recent research provides insights into infants and early childhood and the origins of human morality. It focuses on adopting a constructivist approach to the acquisition of morality in infancy and early childhood and three approachist alternatives. First, a clear definition of research on moral development is needed. Definitions are very important for scientific communication and empirical analysis. Second, it shows that morality is an innate and learned process. Based also on studies on developmental biology, he argues that all moral transitions are genetic, social and environmental factors. Third, attention needs to be paid to moral developmental continuities as well as to moral developmental changes in moral development from infancy to childhood. Although infants and toddlers may display behaviors similar to the morally relevant behaviors of older children, as adults, their actions must be considered morally relevant into childhood. They don't judge right or wrong. This chapter provides information on a developmental constructivist perspective on the origins of morality in infancy and early childhood.