A Perspective upon Organizational Politics and Political Behaviours
Chapter from the book:
Studies on Management, Organization, and Strategy.
Although organizational politics is an inevitable and natural phenomenon of organizational life, this issue is not given due importance in organizational studies. Most of the existing studies, on the other hand, approach the organizational politics from a narrow and negative perspective. Politics as a phenomenon contains dilemmas, confusion and different views. Since politics generally has negative connotations as a concept, studies on organizational politics have mostly been discussed in terms of its effect on negative performance indicators, but according to the way it is implemented, politics can actually produce positive or negative results. The important point here is to focus on how it can be implemented to the benefit of the organization, based on the fact that politics is not a negative concept at its core. Increasing the studies in this field in the literature is important in terms of reducing this confusion in the future and at the same time enriching organizational politics literature.