The Role of Disaster Logistics in Disaster Management Systems
Chapter from the book:
Academic Research and Evaluations in the Field of Social Sciences-III.
Disasters are sudden and destructive events that destroy people's lives and property, disrupt the Disasters are sudden and destructive events that cause loss of life and property, disrupt the daily activities of society, and lead to large-scale economic, social, and environmental damages. Following large-scale disasters, many systems that normally operate effectively during normal times become largely dysfunctional. As the intensity of non-operational systems in the affected areas increases, the demand for resources also rises. In this context, it is crucial to have a disaster logistics network that must be activated during and after the disaster, depending on the magnitude of the needs, as part of the pre-disaster plans and preparations. With a successful disaster logistics strategy, each phase of a disaster can be managed effectively and efficiently. Considering the occurrence and diversity of disasters, disaster logistics must be event-based and dynamic. This study provides information about the role of disaster logistics within disaster management systems, a topic that has been extensively researched in recent years.