Chatbots in Education with Bibliometric Data
Chapter from the book:
Current Applications in Management Information Systems.
In recent years, developing technologies based on especially productive artificial intelligence tools and large language models providing services in this context has made it possible to develop chatbots that can guide students in drawing their career plans, using their time effectively, and providing education and mentöring services. It is not far-fetched that these studies, which are still in their early stages, will guide the future of education and be accepted as a new turning point in education. In order to examine educational chatbots that have the potential to open a new era in education, this study evaluated the articles prepared in this field in Web of Science with bibliometric analyses. In this study, first of all, the reason for the need for chatbots in the field of education was examined, and then the development of large language models and the use of chatbots in education were investigated. The data downloading and preparation processes for bibliometric analyses were explained in the next section. Then, bibliometric analyses and the findings obtained from these analyses were shared. The analyses studied are the number of publications by year and the countries of the most productive publishers, the journals with the most publications, the wos categories with the most publications, the most productive universities and authors, and the most cited articles. Additionally, methods for evaluating the functions of large language models in education were discussed, and suggestions for the future were made.