Studies on Fine Arts

Emine Erdoğan (ed)
Kafkas University


Fine arts, which are the expression of creativity and imagination, are an expression that arouses beauty and pleasure in people, and acts as a tool for expressing emotions and thoughts in an aesthetic way. Fine arts, which show their existence in different ways, have always attracted attention and played an important role in reflecting the artist's feelings and thoughts freely. Art, which has been a part of life throughout human history; sometimes he reflected his period as it was, sometimes he criticized it, and sometimes he emphasized an idea freely. In this context, art is both personal and a part of society. Art, which activates emotions such as hope, desire, fear, excitement, sadness, happiness, exists wherever people exist. The artist shapes these feelings according to his perception of the environment he lives and observes; He transformed it into works of art such as poetry, painting, music and sculpture. Although these works have different forms and expressions, they have served a social purpose. This book, in which knowledge meets talent and different artistic works come together, consists of sections prepared by artists from various activities in the field of fine arts. It is thought that this study will contribute to the field of fine arts.

How to cite this book

Erdoğan, E. (ed.) (2023). Studies on Fine Arts. Özgür Publications. DOI:



March 23, 2023



