Innovative Out-of-School Learning Environments in Early Childhood: Digitally Supported Discovery and Experience-Based Approaches
Chapter from the book:
Transforming Early Childhood Education: Technology, Sustainability, and Foundational Skills for the 21st Century .
This study investigates the use of digitally supported and nature-based activities in out-of-school learning environments to enhance the impact of STEM education in early childhood. Digital technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) increase children's interest in STEM fields and develop their scientific observation and problem-solving skills. Through these technologies, children can experience abstract concepts in a more concrete way, fostering positive attitudes toward STEM fields. Out-of-school learning environments like museums, science centers, and science festivals enable children to engage with science in a direct and interactive manner. These environments strengthen children's scientific attitudes and curiosity while supporting creative thinking, observation, and social skills. Science festivals, in particular, allow children to interact directly with scientists and experience the scientific process firsthand, thereby fostering an interest in STEM. Science festivals and similar activities provide opportunities to relate STEM concepts to daily life, increasing children's future interest in STEM and motivating them to pursue careers in these fields. In conclusion, digitally supported and nature-based STEM applications in out-of-school learning environments stand out as powerful tools for developing children's scientific thinking, problem-solving, and social skills. These activities strengthen children's connection to science, provide a more lasting understanding of STEM subjects, and foster a positive perspective toward STEM in their future educational and career choices.