Psychology of Procrastination Behavior in Sport
Chapter from the book: İlhan, E. L. (ed.) 2024. Different Paradigms in The Field of Sport Sciences-I.

Atalay Kaya
Dokuz Eylül University


This study aims to examine how procrastination behavior shapes individuals' time management and what outcomes it leads to. In the literature, numerous definitions of procrastination behavior can be found. In a general sense, defines procrastination as "the tendency to delay a task by avoiding doing it within the required timeframe, opting instead to do it later." This behavior often arises when individuals, despite having the time and opportunity to complete the task, choose to engage in less prioritized or more pleasurable activities. These choices provide a sense of relaxation and satisfaction, even if only for a short period. There are many psychological reasons behind procrastination behavior. Recognizing these reasons is thought to help the process move forward with greater awareness, thus facilitating improvement. Procrastination in sports refers to the conscious delay or complete avoidance of responsibilities related to physical activity or exercise. This behavior is characterized by individuals continuously postponing regular exercise despite being aware of its importance. It is argued that this behavior typically arises due to a lack of motivation, self-regulation deficiencies, time management problems, or psychological barriers.

How to cite this book

Kaya, A. (2024). Psychology of Procrastination Behavior in Sport. In: İlhan, E. L. (ed.), Different Paradigms in The Field of Sport Sciences-I. Özgür Publications. DOI:



October 22, 2024