Biological Maturation and Basic Motor Characteristics: Gender Effects of Peak Height Growth Rate
Chapter from the book:
Sustainability and Qualitative Research in Training Science .
Athletic development process is closely related to biological maturation and growth periods. Growth and maturation processes that affect the physical capacity and motor performance of individuals constitute the basis of sports performance. Growth and biological maturation processes of young athletes are of great importance for the development of motoric characteristics and training periodisation. While growth is monitored through somatic, skeletal and sexual maturity indicators, peak height growth rate (ZSGR) is considered as one of the most important indicators of biological development. Peak height represents the period of the fastest growth during adolescence and significant changes occur in motoric skills in this process. ZBUH is a process that directly affects the development of motoric characteristics, and the trainings structured according to this period are based on the concept of biological sensitive windows. Especially during and after ZBUH, the effect of biological maturation on motoric performance becomes more evident. While the development of flexibility and skills is important before ZBUH, the development of strength and aerobic capacity after ZBUH leads to more effective results. The Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model aims to maximise athlete performance in the long term, arguing that biomotor abilities should be optimised according to biological maturation stages. The model offers training strategies customised to the needs of early and late maturing athletes. This approach suggests careful monitoring of biological developmental processes and implementation of appropriate training strategies to improve athletes' performance. Thus, the physical capacities of young athletes can be optimally assessed and athlete development can be maximised.