Infection and Hygiene in Earthquake Process from a Health Management Perspective
Chapter from the book: Bozkurt, İ. (ed.) 2024. In the Light of Current Developments Healthcare Management-II.

Fatma Esen Sarıgüllü Önalan
Kilis 7 Aralık University
Filiz Uçan Türkmen
Kilis 7 Aralık University


Following an earthquake, inadequate access to clean water, overcrowded living conditions, inability to collect waste, an increase in vector populations, and the mixing of sewage with drinking water lead to poor hygiene conditions. When this situation is compounded by inadequate nutrition, the emergence of infectious diseases and the speed of their transformation into epidemics increases. Additionally, weakened access to preventive health services and changes in existing environmental conditions trigger the formation of infections and associated epidemics. After earthquakes, fecal contamination of water and food can lead to infections such as hepatitis A, hepatitis E, typhoid, cholera, and shigellosis, while exposure to vectors in unsanitary shelters can cause an increase in infections like malaria, leishmaniasis, and scabies. The most important infection control measures to prevent outbreaks associated with these infections are water and hand hygiene. Access to clean water sources must be ensured as soon as possible to protect public health. At the same time, preparing and storing food in hygienic environments can help prevent the spread of microorganisms, thus helping to prevent infections. Another infection control measure is combating vectors. Moreover, an appropriate surveillance system should be established to control outbreaks. This way, public health can be protected, and diseases that affect community health can be prevented before they occur. This section emphasizes the crucial importance of hygiene practices in protecting public health and states that pre-determined infection control measures and related control efforts can reduce post-disaster infectious diseases and epidemics.

How to cite this book

Sarıgüllü Önalan, F. E. & Uçan Türkmen, F. (2024). Infection and Hygiene in Earthquake Process from a Health Management Perspective . In: Bozkurt, İ. (ed.), In the Light of Current Developments Healthcare Management-II. Özgür Publications. DOI:



September 11, 2024