Informal Employment of Women in Türkiye
Chapter from the book: Şahin, A. (ed.) 2023. Academic Research and Evaluations in Social Sciences - V.

Ayla Yazıcı
Anadolu University


Approximately 61% of the world's working population is employed unregistered. Unregistered employment, which can be seen in all countries, is especially high in developing countries. Unregistered employment, which can be briefly defined as not reflecting employment activities in official documents or not reporting the duration of employment and the wages received to the official authorities incompletely or at all, is one of the important problems that Turkey has been facing for years. Informality has some negative effects on workers' rights, such as basic principles and rights in working life, social protection, decent working conditions, and fair remuneration according to the work done. The fact that a significant proportion of women, who make up nearly half of Turkey's population, work unregistered can be seen as one of the obstacles to the social, cultural and economic development of the country.

How to cite this book

Yazıcı, A. (2023). Informal Employment of Women in Türkiye. In: Şahin, A. (ed.), Academic Research and Evaluations in Social Sciences - V. Özgür Publications. DOI:



December 30, 2023