Tax Provisions in the Adaletnâmes (An Analysis of the Adaletnâmes of Ahmet I's Period)
Chapter from the book:
Selected Articles in the Field of History- VI.
As in all pre-industrial agricultural societies, the Ottoman economic system was generally composed of taxes collected based on land. The conditions of the Classical Period, when the money economy was not sufficiently developed, prevented taxes from being collected directly by the state.That's why the state appointed various administrators, judges and soldiers to collect taxes. Tax collectors were given the right to collect their salaries from the public as a certain amount of tax, so that no money would come directly from the state treasury. From time to time, those who collected taxes could abuse the authority given by the state, oppress the people, and collect extra taxes. The sultans published provisions under the “name” of justice in order to take precautions against such behaviors. These provisions ordering justice are called “adaletname”. Many studies have been conducted on these provisions. However, in most of these studies on Justice books, the subject is discussed within a general framework, and there are very few studies in which Justice names are discussed and examined within a certain period. However, each period has its own special conditions, and analyzing these studies in terms of the conditions of the period is an element that will contribute significantly to their understanding. For this reason, in this study, we tried to analyze and understand the tax-related provisions of the edicts published during the reign of Ahmet I, among the examples of Adaletnâme.