New Copies of The Hüccet-İ Şeriyye Signed Between Mustafa IV and The Janissarries
Chapter from the book:
Selected Articles in the Field of History- VI.
In order to find a solution to the problems of the Ottoman Empire, in the 18th century, some initiatives were initiated in the century; but the expected recovery did not occur. Selim III, who ascended to the throne at the end of this century, implemented a series of reforms, especially in the military field, briefly called "Nizâm-ı Cedîd"; however, he made some arrangements that had not been tried before. However, as a result of the reaction to this "new order", Selim III was dethroned and Mustafa IV was enthroned. After Mustafa IV came to the throne, he made a contract with the people who rebelled against Selim III and his reforms and brought him to the throne, stating that they were forgiven for their rebellion. A copy of this agreement was previously published. In this study, two different copies of this agreement, which are in our archives and have not been used before, will be published. Additionally, the section added to the end of one of the copies, referred to as the "Alemdar Incident" in our history, tells about the struggle and death of Alemdar Mustafa Pasha, who took power after dethroning Mustafa IV and placing Mahmud II on the throne, and his fight against the janissaries and his death, as well as the climate of rebellion in Istanbul. will also be evaluated.