Pain and Nursing
Chapter from the book: Karakurt, P. & Fırat, M. (eds.) 2023. Health Sciences Research: Nursing & Midwifery- V.

Sibel Yolcu
İstanbul Atlas University


Pain is a health problem that is very common both in the world and in our country, is increasing day by day, and is generally inadequately treated. Pain is a health problem that is very common both in the world and in our country, is increasing day by day, and is generally inadequately treated. In order to explain the physiology of pain, the concept of Nociception must be known. Many people who experience pain state that they feel pain before tissue damage or changes in physiopathological values occur. The subjective nature and complex structure of pain make its measurement and evaluation difficult. Whether the pain is "present" or "absent" is not sufficient for evaluation. After the evaluation, it is necessary to know the characteristics such as the severity of the pain, its type, characteristics, localization, and the factors that reduce and increase the pain in relation to time. Pain measurements should be valid and reliable. Measurements that do not have these qualities are not suitable for use. In order to be reliable, a measurement must be consistent within itself. Use of a scale in pain assessment; It aims to transform the intensity and quality of pain reported by the patient in numbers or words as objectively as possible. Using the scale in this way prevents the emergence of different interpretations between both the patient and the caring nurses and physicians. The most reliable indicator of pain is the patient's self-report. The main points that distinguish nurses from other team members in pain control are; The time the nurse spends with the patient is longer than the other team members, so the nurse learns the patient's previous pain experiences and methods of coping with them and benefits from them when needed, teaches the patient the methods of coping with pain she has learned, and guides her when necessary, applying the planned analgesic treatment, monitoring the results and providing an empathetic approach.

How to cite this book

Yolcu, S. (2023). Pain and Nursing. In: Karakurt, P. & Fırat, M. (eds.), Health Sciences Research: Nursing & Midwifery- V. Özgür Publications. DOI:



December 29, 2023

