The Impact of Culture, Religion, and Geographic Region on Child Health
Chapter from the book:
Health Sciences Research: Nursing & Midwifery- IV.
Children are born into a specific family, as well as into a particular society and culture. They learn their beliefs, spiritual values, knowledge, and skills from their families and the culture they are born into. Therefore, children are influenced by the social, cultural, and spiritual aspects of the region they live in. The health-related beliefs and practices are individuals’ integral parts of their culture. The culture and cultural practices of a society directly impact the understanding of health and illness, attitudes towards health problems, reactions, and treatment practices of children and families. It is noted that families reflect their cultural and spiritual values in health practices and seek solutions to health problems by considering these values. This review focuses on how the specific cultural and religious values of communities and the geographical regions they inhabit are reflected in healthcare and treatment practices, attempting to develop a perspective on how they can affect child health. Examples are provided regarding how specific religions and beliefs influence nutrition and healthcare practices, while specific geographical regions are illustrated with examples related to healthcare practices, child and family relationships, and communication styles. In conclusion, healthcare professionals should be aware of how different cultures, beliefs, and geographical regions can impact healthcare practices and the health of children. Furthermore, they should provide holistic care to understand the cultural values of communities and individuals, and differences in health practices, and possess cultural awareness and competence.