NANDA-I Nursing Diagnosis with Current Updates
Chapter from the book:
Health Sciences Research: Nursing & Midwifery- IV.
Today, nursing classification systems have a key role in creating a common language among nurses all over the world. Nursing diagnosis, which is one of the classification systems and the first step of the nursing process, provides a basis for the selection of nursing interventions necessary to achieve results that are within the authority and competence of the nurse. Successful resolution of the individual's problem depends on the correct determination of the nursing diagnosis. Successful resolution of the individual's problem depends on the correct determination of the nursing diagnosis. The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, now NANDA International (NANDA-I), began a formal effort to classify nursing diagnoses in 1973. NANDA-I continues to meet biennially to review proposed new nursing diagnoses and to examine the use of nursing diagnoses in research, education, and clinical practice. NANDA-I has also published Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification 2021-2023, the complete list of nursing diagnoses, definitions, and defining characteristics. Today, NANDA-I members continue to work to make regular updates on the ANA and International Council of Nursing classification systems. Creating a care plan based on carefully selected nursing diagnoses and their use in conjunction with the critical pathway will enable us to provide our patients with collaborative, high-quality care that includes a strong nursing component. In this context, it is very important to follow the updates in NANDA-I nursing diagnoses.