Technology Integration in Education: Teachers and School Principals
Chapter from the book: Baltacı, Ö. (ed.) 2023. Current Research in Education - V.

Filiz Elmalı
Fırat University
Fatma Dündar
Ministry of National Education


This chapter explains the relationship between technology and education. It also attempted to explain the place of technology in education and the role of teachers and school principals in the use of technology. In a rapidly changing world, the use of technology is one of the key factors in adapting innovation to education. Today, students need to be equipped with 21st-century skills, through teachers’ use of technology as a tool rather than a goal. At this point, both teachers and school principals need to have the necessary skills to adopt technology in teaching and learning activities. In order to promote the successful application of technology in schools, it is necessary to ensure that school managers fulfil their technology leadership roles. As a technology leader, school principals are believed to have a positive impact on technology integration if they encourage teachers to use technology in classrooms and regularly inform their teacher about emerging educational technologies.

How to cite this book

Elmalı, F. & Dündar, F. (2023). Technology Integration in Education: Teachers and School Principals . In: Baltacı, Ö. (ed.), Current Research in Education - V. Özgür Publications. DOI:



December 29, 2023

