An Overview of Transaction Cost Theory
Chapter from the book: Bal, F. & Ufacık, O. E. (eds.) 2023. Selected Articles in the Field of Management and Organization.

Burcu Buyuran
Gaziantep University


Transaction cost theory, built on understanding organizations, is one of the important theories in the literature and was developed with the contributions of many scientists, especially Ronald Coase, Oliver Williamson and Yochai Benkler.

In this context, the main purpose of this study is to provide a general perspective on transaction cost theory and to identify the missing points through literature review. In this context, first the foundations of the theory were explained, then the studies on the theory were identified through literature review, and as a result, deficiencies in the literature were tried to be identified and suggestions were presented.

How to cite this book

Buyuran, B. (2023). An Overview of Transaction Cost Theory. In: Bal, F. & Ufacık, O. E. (eds.), Selected Articles in the Field of Management and Organization. Özgür Publications. DOI:



October 22, 2023