Psychological and Physiological Effects of Kettlebell Exercises
Chapter from the book:
Sports Paradigms II.
There is a constant need to increase strength and endurance in elite sport. New researches, training methods and sports equipment are constantly used in researches such as strength, conditioning, balance, and programs to improve physical fitness related to injury prevention and health. While kettlebells have been embraced by popular fitness programs like CrossFit, the use of kettlebells remains an increasing sport, and knowing how to use a kettlebell is perhaps not as intuitive as the more popular barbells, dumbbells, and machine weights. Despite this, kettlebells have been recommended for their ease of teaching, cost-effectiveness, and less intimidation to use. The purpose of this review is to investigate the psychological and physiological effects of kettlebell exercise, as it is thought that knowing how kettlebells are a tool for training and conditioning, and how it affects the aerobic capacity of athletes using a high-intensity interval training program such as the kettlebell protocol.