Determining the Professional Problems of Classroom Teachers
Chapter from the book:
Educational Sciences Research- V.
In the planned study, it was aimed to determine the problems faced by classroom teachers while performing their profession. In the study, which was carried out with the case study method, one of the qualitative research designs, data were obtained through a semi-structured interview form from 46 teachers determined by using the maximum diversity sample. The data were evaluated and interpreted with the content analysis method. As a result of the study, it was determined that teachers mostly encounter problems related to the education-teaching process. The most recurring codes of these problems are the physical inadequacy of schools, the inadequacy of textbooks, the failure of the Teaching Profession Law to meet expectations, the profile of parents (educational status, perspective on education, etc.), problems with planning in-service trainings, and lack of social activities related to teachers. are listed. In line with the findings, suggestions were made at the point of solving the professional problems of teachers.