Is Interparty Opposition an Example of Agonistic Democracy?
Chapter from the book:
Research on Social Sciences- V.
Agonistic democracy was conceptualized by Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau as a solution to the crisis of liberal democracy. Agonistic democracy focuses on two basic concepts, antagonism and hegemony. Agonistic democracy refers to the conversion of antagonisms into agonisms. It advocates tame antagonism, conflictual consensus, recognition and acceptance of differences, and pluralistic democracy in the political arena. In the study, is intra-party opposition an example of agonistic democracy? seeking an answer to the question. Intra-party opposition is compatible with agonistic democracy, but it should be evaluated in terms of differences in practice. The method of the study is based on literature review, social media analysis, compilation of newspapers and statements, and analysis of party statutes. Since the subject of the study has not been studied before, it is expected to contribute to the national literature.