Fuzzy Control of Parallel Service Provider and Single Queue Systems
Chapter from the book: Çevik Tekin, İ. (ed.) 2023. Management Information Systems: Digital Transformation Management in Businesses.

Salih Aka
Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University


Queuing problems are one of the most important issues to be solved by service businesses that want to have direct contact with customers. The customer wants to get the service they want without waiting as much as possible and without wasting any time during the process. Service businesses can increase the number of service provider units to overcome this problem, but this will increase the service cost. As for determining the service provider capacity, it is very difficult to obtain an effective solution with dynamic and heuristic methods, since it is uncertain due to the stochastic nature of the problem. In this study, an alternative method is proposed to determine the most appropriate service capacity in line with different scenarios for the capacity of the parallel servers and a single queue by using fuzzy operators. For the analysis, the number of customers in the system, the number of service providers, the cost of holding and the traffic frequency, the output parameter status resulting from the fuzzy input parameters were examined. Fuzzy logic creates a mathematical solution space in line with the parameters through linguistic variables, making it easier to reach the appropriate solution within the alternatives. The study, which makes use of the Matlab fuzzy toolbox, is intended to be an example for those who want to do research in this field.

How to cite this book

Aka, S. (2023). Fuzzy Control of Parallel Service Provider and Single Queue Systems. In: Çevik Tekin, İ. (ed.), Management Information Systems: Digital Transformation Management in Businesses. Özgür Publications. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58830/ozgur.pub137.c1383



October 23, 2023