Power and Hubris Syndrome
Chapter from the book: Gülbahar, Y. (ed.) 2023. Organizational Behaviour: Current Issues.

Burcu Batga Yurtsever
Bingöl University


Power, in its simplest form, is defined as the ability to achieve goals, objectives and results by influencing others. In work life, where power is actively used, leaders or managers try to reach organizational goals by influencing their employees. However, when a leader or manager gains too much power and there is no mechanism to control the decisions taken under the influence of this power, they can harm the organization and society by using power in a bad way. The fact that a leader gains too much power brings with it a number of problems. One of these problems is the "Hubris Syndrome", which occurs due to the use of too much power, which pushes the leader to make decisions that will not listen to anyone as a result of power intoxication or power intoxication. Hubris Syndrome is an arrogance and power poisoning that can occur in all leaders and managers, from state managers to business managers. It is also seen as a danger that will affect societies, countries and businesses. Leaders or managers with Hubris Syndrome often abuse power, believing that they are better than everyone else, that they are absolutely infallible and invincible. Therefore, leaders acting in this syndrome bring with them some negative consequences such as irrational decision making, weak relationships, ineffective employees, and poor performance in the organization.

How to cite this book

Batga Yurtsever, B. (2023). Power and Hubris Syndrome. In: Gülbahar, Y. (ed.), Organizational Behaviour: Current Issues. Özgür Publications. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58830/ozgur.pub136.c743



June 25, 2023