Single Shade Composite Resins
Chapter from the book: Hatipoğlu, Ö. (ed.) 2023. Current Dentistry Research- I.

Serra Kutlu Katırcıoğlu
Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University


Today, developed aesthetic perception has brought people to give more importance to dentofacial harmony. It is aimed to make restorations that are most suitable for the tooth with a polychromatic structure, closest to nature. Composite resins are available in many different shades, enamel and dentin colors are also produced. Color selection is a delicate and challenging issue for clinicians. Failure in color matching negatively affects clinical success. Color harmony is very important in terms of patient expectations and satisfaction. Manufacturers have introduced single color composite resins that can rule out this technical sensitivity and contribute to shortening the treatment time. Manufacturers claim that with these composites, the color selection step will be eliminated and there will be no need for composites of different colors. These composite resins are produced with the improved technology of the chameleon effect. In terminology, it is one shade, single shade, one shade universal and single shade universal. They provide easy use for physicians as they eliminate the sensitivity of the layering technique. Recently, studies on the clinical performances and physical mechanical properties of these composites have been started. The aim of this review is to examine the usage areas, physical and mechanical properties of single color composites.

How to cite this book

Kutlu Katırcıoğlu, S. (2023). Single Shade Composite Resins . In: Hatipoğlu, Ö. (ed.), Current Dentistry Research- I. Özgür Publications. DOI:



June 25, 2023

