Fundemantal Concepts in Measurement and Evaluation
Chapter from the book:
Educational Sciences Research- III.
Measurement and evaluation are used to obtain valid and reliable measurement results in all fields. Measurement is assigning numbers or symbols to events based on an established set of rules resulting from observations. There are three types of measurement: direct, indirect, and derived. There are two units in measurement, the natural unit, and the defined unit. Units also have the characteristics of equality, generality, and usability. Another important concept related to units and scales is zero points in measurement. Zero, which means absence, is real zero; Even though it is not exact zero, the value accepted as zero is called nominal zero. There are four levels of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales. This classification, which is given in order from the least to the most information. The nominal scale is classified into separate groups based on attributes according to their names or types. Mathematical/statistical operations are not performed on the measurement scores obtained from this scale. In the ordinal scale, the sizes of the attributes are arranged according to hierarchical order in ascending or descending order depending based on certain attributes. Equal spacing of the measured attribute according to a definite starting point and the amount of having a definite attribute is on an interval scale. Zero does not mean absence in the measurement scores on the interval scale. Statistical operations such as mean, and standard deviation can be applied to the measurement scores. In the ratio scale, the true zero point is considered the initial point of the scale. All of the statistical operations can be performed at this scale.