Investigation of Logistics Performances of 19 Middle East Countries with CRITIC-Based MABAC and MARCOS Methods
Chapter from the book:
Kırcı Çevik,
Research on Social Sciences- I.
In this study, CRITIC, MABAC and MARCOS methods were used to create a decision model for the evaluation of logistics performance of 19 Middle Eastern countries within the scope of 2018 World Bank data. Logistics performance index components were included in the research as performance criteria in the evaluation of logistics performance. While the CRITIC method was used to weight these performance components, the MABAC and MARCOS methods were used to evaluate and rank the logistics performance of the Middle East countries. The results obtained from the CRITIC method showed that international shipments and logistics competence were the most important and least important performance criteria, respectively. As a result of the performance evaluations made with the MABAC and MARCOS methods, it was revealed that the countries with the highest and lowest logistics performance in 2018 were the United Arab Emirates and Afghanistan, respectively. As a result of all these evaluations, while there is no difference in the countries with high and low logistics performance for the two different methods; It was observed that the logistics performance of Israel and Oman countries differed during success. The success ranking of the remaining 17 countries was the same in both methods, indicating that the methods were applied successfully.