An Overview of Academic Studies on Land Congression in Turkey
Chapter from the book:
Interdisciplinary Studies on Contemporary Research Practices in Engineering in the 21st Century II.
In this study; 50 postgraduate theses published between 2015-2020 and 114 articles published between 1998-2020 were analyzed by content analysis method. A total of 164 academic studies with content analysis method; The distribution of the publications according to the private sector institution, university, institute and related department was examined and classified. The highest number of published articles by years was made in 2018 with 19 (17%). According to the provinces, the highest number of published articles is Konya (17%) with 23. According to universities, the highest number of published articles was made in Konya Selcuk University with 19 (16%). After all; It has been seen that the subject of land consolidation has begun to be examined in more academic studies in recent years. In addition, it was determined that researchers with agricultural engineering backgrounds published more on this subject than researchers in other fields.