Non-Muslim in Hezaegrad(1833-1850)
Chapter from the book:
Selected Papers in the Field of History- I.
The city of Hezargrad consisted of Deliorman (Divaneorman), Kara Lom and Ivrana sub-districts in the 19th century. In this study, the jizya taxes of non-Muslims living in Hezargrad district between 1833 and 1850 are discussed. Six Cizye and Reaya Population Registers belonging to the city of Hezargrad and belonging to the years 1833, 1834, 1846, 1847, 1849 and 1850, covering the years 1833-1850, and forty temettuat registers belonging to each neighborhood and village were examined. In addition, a book that gives information about the non-Muslim population of Hezargrad in 1694, when the jizya tax was attached to a certain method, was also used in the study. There are 5 villages where non-Muslims live in the central villages of Hezargrad district. There are non-Muslims in 7 villages of Deliorman (Divaneorman) sub-district, 6 villages of Ivrana sub-district, 25 villages of Kara Lom sub-district and 4 villages, where it is not stated. Most of the non-Muslims reside in the villages of Kara Lom sub-district. As a result, non-Muslims live in 47 villages of Hezargrad. Only 10 of these villages consist of non-Muslims. Muslims and non-Muslims live together in 37 other villages