Effects of Dual Task on Mobilization in Elderly Individuals
Chapter from the book:
International Research in Health Sciences-I.
Along with the aging process, there is a decrease in mobility with many complex factors (chronic diseases, normal physiological changes due to old age, etc.). Mobility in daily life; is an indicator of quality of life and health status as it is associated with many basic factors (physical fragility, loss of strength, falls, activity limitation and decreased social participation levels, etc.). As a motor task, walking and balance activities occur together while performing many activities in daily life. Performing at least two such activities at the same time is called the dual-task method and includes cognitive and motor tasks. This method was developed to investigate the effect level of cognitive functions in postural control. It is aimed to increase postural stability, which decreases by assigning two or more tasks, especially in individuals over 65 years of age, with the increase in the problems that occur in the aging process. Being able to multitask carefully at the same time is the main point of the dual-task method. In the literature, it has been shown that cognitive activities performed in addition to balance activities in the elderly improve cognitive status more than exercises involving only balance activities.