International Research in Health Sciences-I
Dear Readers,
We have completed our book thanks to our friends who do valuable studies in the light of science.
The concept of health, which continues to be important in every age, has once again revealed its importance with the covid-19 epidemic that has affected the world for the last few years and the earthquake disaster that our country has experienced deeply. We, the healthcare professionals who believe in the continuity of education, think that societies equipped with knowledge and using intelligence and evidence-based knowledge will pass the health exams with much less injury and loss. For this reason, the aim of the book for us is to shed some light on future studies and to illuminate the darkness by warning its readers through the known information and unknowns in it. We hope that our presented book will be easy to understand and will open new horizons for all humanity as well as supporting scientists from faculties of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and veterinary medicine.
I would like to thank the scientists working in the health sciences and our team of authors who supported our book.
Dr. Enes Karaman