Nutritional Recommendations in Health Management During the Epidemic
Chapter from the book: Bozkurt, İ. (ed.) 2023. Health Management Theoretical Studies in the Light of Current Developments.

Zehra Gökçe
Kilis 7 Aralık University


In the COVID-19 pandemic, the nutrition, physical activity and habits of the society are adversely affected. In this period, health services alone are not sufficient for the formation of healthy societies. Therefore, providing adequate and balanced nutrition and the main purpose of a healthy diet also affect the nutritional habits of patients with COVID-19 due to the severe symptoms and consequences of COVID-19 such as fever, nausea, respiratory distress, weakness, and changes in the perception of smell/taste. Since medicinal plants contain many active phytochemical compounds, they show antiviral effect by supporting the immune system of the host in viral diseases as well as in many diseases. However, our recommendations for the use of medicinal plants used in traditional medicine indicate that it is a preventive recommendation against infection in diseases. In the face of this epidemic, which is effective all over the world, together with national and international institutions and organizations, nutrition-related recommendations were made both in the prevention of diseases and in the treatment of sick individuals, especially the relationship of our immune system and nutrition.

How to cite this book

Gökçe, Z. (2023). Nutritional Recommendations in Health Management During the Epidemic. In: Bozkurt, İ. (ed.), Health Management Theoretical Studies in the Light of Current Developments. Özgür Publications. DOI:



March 28, 2023