Organizational Ostracism
Chapter from the book:
Organizational Behavior Concepts and Research-I.
Ostracised employees feel that others do not pay attention to them, that they are excluded from the group, and that they are rejected by the group. Employeess who are excluded from their organizations experience 'social death' by being kept away from their rights and resources. It is suggested that these employees who feel less belonging to their organizations have lower job performance, show less organizational citizenship behavior, organizational commitment and more deviant behavior. Sharma and Dhar (2022), in a systematic review study on organizational exclusion, made a more comprehensive assessment of the effects of organizational ostracism at the individual, relational and organizational levels. On the other hand, some suggestions are made to increase the social support of the family, to share information within the organization, and to increase social interactions in combating organizational ostracism. Therefore, in this section; the concept of organizational ostracism and the theories supporting the concept, the antecedents and results of the concept are given by giving examples from related researches. Within the scope of the chapter, the methods that can be used in the fight against organizational ostaracism are also mentioned.