
The Concept of Passion and the Dualistic Model of Passion
Chapter from the book: Hırlak, B. (ed.) 2023. Organizational Behavior Concepts and Research-I.

Yasemin Gülbahar
Ministry of Family and Social Services


Passion is a concept that has been neglected in the field of organizational behavior for many years, but in recent years, it has attracted attention with its effects on the individual and processes within the organization. Emotion is the desire, motivation and feelings that an individual experiences towards an activity that he or she loves, spares a certain amount of time and defines himself through this means. While this feeling has great effects on the success of the individual in the organizational environment, it sometimes makes the individual completely dependent on himself by breaking it off from his normal life. At this point, the Dual Passion Model comes into play.


How to cite this book

Gülbahar, Y. (2023). The Concept of Passion and the Dualistic Model of Passion. In: Hırlak, B. (ed.), Organizational Behavior Concepts and Research-I. Özgür Publications. DOI:



March 25, 2023