Positive Psychological Capital
Chapter from the book:
Organizational Behavior Concepts and Research-I.
Organizations are social structures primarily reliant on human resources, so it is not possible for these structures to act independently of human psychology. Because psychology stands out as a discipline of research that seeks to comprehend human behavior, mental ability and structure, social interactions between people, and the outcomes of all of these. For a long time, psychology was primarily focused on the negative and dysfunctional aspects of human experience, such as mental illnesses. However, during Seligman's presidency of the American Psychological Association (1998), positive aspects of psychology, such as fostering human genius and maximizing its potential, started to receive more attention. The new approaches introduced by the positive psychology approach contributed to the emergence of the concept of positive psychological capital in the organizational field. The concept of positive psychological capital, which can result in positive individual and organizational results that benefit the organization, appears in the literature as a phenomenon that attracts attention in order to maximize the potential of human resources, which is acknowledged as the most challenging organizational competitive advantage to imitate in today's global competitive conditions.