Chapter from the book:
Organizational Behavior Concepts and Research-I.
As in all areas of our lives, some negative situations can be experienced in the organizations where we continue our business lives. While this negative situation is sometimes an unethical behavior, sometimes it can be an illegal action. Instead of staying silent against these negativities, employees can fight against this irregularity by reporting these negativities to the competent authorities. The behavior of the employees to deal with negative situations; The disclosure behavior is called whistleblowing. The behavior of disclosing negative situations is the revealing of all inappropriate behaviors that can harm the organization such as ethical and unethical behavior in the organization, taking bribes, abuse of power, and waste of resources. Disclosure behavior by the employee is voluntary, not mandatory. While the employee struggles for the emergence and improvement of this situation by not ignoring the negative situations, he undoubtedly exhibits a civic virtue towards the organization. In this section, while explaining the definition, types and characteristics of the concept of whistleblowing behavior, the evaluation of the behaviors that cause the disclosure of negative situations and the situations that arise as a result of this behavior are discussed in terms of organizational behavior.