The Effect of Nuclear Energy on the Economy in International Trade
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Due to the Industrial Revolution and technological innovations, the need for energy production is increasing day by day. Using energy, which has positive effects on the development structure of countries, and making available energy available contributes to the country's having a say in the international arena. The fact that a country has natural energy resources such as oil and natural gas does not mean that it will increase its development. Since industrialization leads to a continuous energy consumption, alternative energies are sought to existing scarce energy resources. Three Mile Island (TMI) accidents in the USA in 1979 and Chernobyl accidents in Soviet Russia (within the dimensions of Ukraine today) in 1986, nuclear weapons production policy in Iran and Japan's nuclear power plant accident occurred on the planet Fukishma. The issue of power generation with the power plant is approached cautiously. Although nuclear power generation is criticized by the public, although there are serious criticisms in the global arena due to its economic contribution, industrialized economies are investing in nuclear power plants. The continuation of Uranium in 1789, the fission of the atom in 1934, taking away many of the people of science, the review of nuclear energy. Nuclear power plant installations and sustainable energy production began to come into the service of scientists and industrialists.