Cash Flow Statement Ratio Analysis: An Application in Borsa Istanbul
Chapter from the book:
Accounting and Auditing on the Axis of Current Developments.
The financial performance of businesses is important for all stakeholders, especially lenders and investors. In particular, the ability to provide cash is taken into account in the evaluation of the financial performance of the enterprises. Since cash flow statements also provide information about the cash flows of the enterprises, they provide information that can be effective in the planning and decision-making processes when necessary analyzes are made. In this context, the aim of the study is to analyze the cash flow performances of 3 companies traded in BIST, namely FORD, TOFAŞ and KARSAN, for the period of 2020-2022 with cash flow rates. As a result of the research, it has been concluded that the cash flow performance of FORD is generally better than other companies as of the period considered.