A General Comparison of the Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Micro Enterprises and the Financial Reporting Standard for Large and Medium Enterprises
Chapter from the book:
Accounting and Auditing on the Axis of Current Developments.
The information that financial information users need in the decision-making process about the business is presented through financial statements prepared in accordance with financial reporting frameworks. Financial reporting frameworks, which include the principles of financial reporting, were prepared by public institutions at first, and then continued to be prepared by institutions authorized by public institutions. This process, carried out by the KGK, has gained momentum in recent years and has enabled the preparation of many financial reporting frameworks. With the publication of FRS for LMSE and finally FRS for SMSE, in addition to TAS/TFRS, almost all businesses are subject to a financial reporting standard. At this point, FRS for SMSE and FRS for LMSE, which are also the subject of the study, have a great importance. With the FRS for LMSE, which was prepared in accordance with the "think about the small ones first" approach in the EU Accounting Directive numbered 2013/34, 6,000 enterprises and 639,485 enterprises with the FRS for SMSE have been enabled to prepare financial statements that are realistic, meet their financial information needs and are comparable.
In this study, in which different and similar applications are determined by comparing FRS for SMSE and FRS for LMSE; prepared financial statements, features of useful financial information, general principles of financial reporting, principles and principles regarding measurement, information on financial reporting basis (revenue, stocks, agricultural activities, financial instruments and equity, tangible fixed assets and intangible assets) were examined. Significant differences were identified between the two regulations in terms of maturity differences, borrowing costs, measurement principles and the scope of the sections. It is seen that the provisions in the FRS for SMSE regarding the stated areas provide ease of application to the enterprises compared to the provisions in the FRS for LMSE.