Comparison of Currency Conversion Exchange Rate Protected Turkish Lira Deposit Accounts under VUK And TFRS
Chapter from the book:
Accounting and Auditing on the Axis of Current Developments.
Exchange rate protected Turkish lira deposit accounts is a type of deposit that is implemented to prevent the depreciation of the Turkish lira against foreign currencies and provides exchange rate returns to Turkish lira depositors in addition to the interest they earn at the maturity date. First of all, the regulation made for real persons was announced by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance with a press release then Central Bank has issued communiqués for real persons and legal entities supporting the conversion currency/gold to Turkish lira. On the other hand, in line with the "Announcement on the Accounting of Currency/Gold Conversion Currency/Price Protected TL Deposit Accounts" published by the Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority on 01.03.2022, it has been announced that exchange rate protected Turkish lira deposit accounts will be accounted for within the scope of the "TFRS 9 Financial Instruments" Standard. In this study, after explaining exchange rate protected Turkish lira deposit account theoretically and with its legal principles, these accounts are compared on a sample application within the scope of Tax Procedure Law and Turkish Financial Reporting Standards