Enhanced Recovery Protocols & Optimization of Perioperative Outcomes
Chapter from the book:
Cengiz Açıl,
Health Sciences Research: Nursing and Midwifery.
For the first time at the University of Copenhagen Prof. ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery), which was brought to the agenda by Henrik Kehlet; It is a universal protocol that includes recommendations that address the treatment process as a multidisciplinary in order to accelerate the postoperative recovery process. ERAS covers the entire perioperative process. While this protocol is defined as ERAS in Europe, it is known as fast track (accelerated process) in America. It has been proven in many studies that the protocol accelerates the postoperative recovery process, reduces hospitalization and morbidity, and the protocol has been started to be applied in different branches. In Turkey, the first scientific studies on ERAS were conducted by Assoc. Dr. Made with Haldun Gündoğdu et al. ERAS Turkey Association was established in 2017. ERAS protocols, which aim to provide perioperative optimization with evidence-based information in many different branches, advocate the necessity of effective management of the preoperative and perioperative process for good postoperative results. Optimal perioperative care requires multidisciplinary team collaboration. Providing effective care of patients in the perioperative period increases surgical quality and patient satisfaction, reduces and reduces postoperative complications, and accelerates the hospitalization process. For this reason, it is important to increase studies on ERAS and to create evidence-based information in order to ensure perioperative optimization of the patient who will undergo surgery. This section has been written to inform readers about patient optimization in the perioperative process.