Disaster and Disaster Nursing
Chapter from the book:
Cengiz Açıl,
Health Sciences Research: Nursing and Midwifery.
There are some factors that affect the characterization of disasters as an important public health problem. These; It can be expressed as serious losses caused by it, negative social effects, uncertain time, economic problems, and negative effects on psychology. Disasters are classified in three ways: according to the rate of occurrence, according to the sources on which they are based, and according to the size they cause. It is known that Turkey frequently experiences disasters due to the climatic conditions it is in. Earthquake, which causes many casualties, is one of the first disasters in our country. AFAD, which constantly monitors the seismic movements around our country and its surroundings, carries out the necessary analyzes. The recent increase in the occurrence of extraordinary situations reveals the concepts of disaster management and disaster nursing. It is necessary to be prepared for extraordinary situations, both nationally and internationally. disaster nursing; It is expressed as functions that should be carried out in cooperation with other multidisciplinary departments with the aim of flexible and systematic use of basic skills and knowledge, according to disaster-related nursing functions, and minimizing the effects of functions on health and life-threatening risks to a minimum. Nursing interventions in disasters can be divided into three parts: pre-disaster (preparation phase), disaster moment (response phase) and post-disaster (recovery period).