The Effects of Food Consumption Habits of Generations X, Y and Z on Food Menus

Mehmet Sarıoğlan
Balıkesir University
Rana Şat
Balıkesir University


Today, social, cultural, economic and technological developments have led to changes in consumers' eating habits. With the rapid spread of the internet after the 2000s, the impact on social life has started to increase. In this way, with the advancing globalization, many sectors have been affected by this situation. With this transformation of the world, globalization has also started to have an impact on eating habits. Consumers' habits on nutrition have taken their place among the most accurate promotion activities for food and beverage businesses. For businesses that pay attention to the preferences of their guests, the selection of food and beverages has become a separate marketing method and it is possible to mention that many factors such as organizing menu contents, providing product supply and promotional advertisements are effective in terms of intergenerational eating habits and preferences. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to determine what kind of effects Generation X, Y and Z consumers have on the organization of menus that appeal to the masses in their food and beverage choices. In this way, it was revealed which consumer groups attach more importance to which factors and how much attention is paid to them by the businesses in their menus. In this context, the research was conducted with 150 people from Generation X, 150 people from Generation Y and 150 people from Generation Z using the survey technique. SPSS 25.0 program was used to reach the findings obtained in the research. Frequency and percentage analysis were used to analyze the data.  The reliability levels of the scales used in the research were calculated by internal consistency method and Cronbach Alpha reliability criterion was used.  In order to examine the distribution of the data, the mean and median values of the measures of central tendency were examined, while the kurtosis-skewness values of the measurement tools were examined. Pearson correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between food consumption habits and the level of perspective on mass menus. Linear regression analysis was performed to examine the relationship between food consumption habits and mass menus.   One-way ANOVA analysis was conducted to examine the difference between the levels of food consumption habits and viewpoints on mass menus by generation.  In addition, Mann Whitney U test was applied to determine whether there is a significant difference between X, Y and Z generations. As a result of the results obtained, the effects of X, Y and Z generations' eating habits on mass menus were explained.

How to cite this book

Sarıoğlan, M. & Şat, R. (2025). The Effects of Food Consumption Habits of Generations X, Y and Z on Food Menus. Özgür Publications. DOI:



March 26, 2025

