The Effects of Government Systems on the Relationship of Bureaucracy-Politics in Türki̇ye
This study aims to analyze the effects of the government systems implemented in the Republic of Türkiye on the bureaucracy-politics relationship in the constitutional framework and in practice. The study is structured in four parts. In the first part, bureaucracy, politics, bureaucracy-politics relationship, and in the second part, government systems, bureaucracy-politics relationship in terms of government systems are discussed. In the third chapter, it was investigated how the government systems implemented in the Republic of Türkiye affected the bureaucracy-politics relationship within the framework of the constitutional amendments, which is one of the discussion topics of the thesis. In the fourth chapter, it was tried to reveal in detail how the government systems implemented in the Republic of Türkiye, which is another discussion topic of the thesis, affected the bureaucracy-politics relationship during the implementation phase. During the period when the Parliamentary Government System was implemented between 1921-1924 and during the period when the Mixed Government System was implemented between 1924-1961, with the influence of the single-party government, the bureaucracy was strengthened against politics until 1950 and there was no conflict between bureaucracy and politics. During the 1950-1960 Democrat Party (DP) government, which wanted to bring the bureaucracy under the control of politics and to a position where it implemented the policies determined by politics, the power of the bureaucracy weakened; after this period, the bureaucracy began to struggle with politics in order to regain the power it had. The period between 1961 and 1980, when the Parliamentary Government System was implemented, continued as a struggle for power between bureaucracy and politics. There were many short-term coalition governments, political instability, economic crises, and social problems. Although there were criticisms that these problems were caused by the government system, the solution to the problems was sought in the constitutional amendment. Although bureaucratic reforms were made between 1982 and 2007, when the Rational Parliamentary Government System was implemented, the bureaucracy was in an active position vis-à-vis politics when coalition governments came to power. During the AK Party government, which started in 2002 and continued until 2007, attempts were made to bring bureaucracy under the control of politics through administrative reforms and legal regulations. The political institution, which was strengthened during the period when the 2007-2017 Semi-Presidential Government System was implemented, started to carry out bureaucratic reforms more rapidly. In 2017, the Presidential Government System was adopted; the executive power and decree-making authority were given only to the President. The President’s ability to make regulations regarding the organizational structure of the executive body, ministries, high-level bureaucrats, etc. within the scope of his authority to issue decrees has made the President the person who not only makes decisions and determines policies, but also ensures the implementation of these decisions and policies and is responsible for them. In this study, it was concluded that government systems are effective in the relationship between bureaucracy and politics.